Favours granted through the intercession of Saint Mary of the Cross (Mary MacKillop of Australia) Feast day August 8.

Prayers to find a good spouse

A lady in the USA asked for a petition to be placed at the shrine of Blessed Mary MacKillop in Australia.  One at the petitions was for her 28 year old daughter Lyn to find a good husband. A few days after the petition was placed at Blessed Mary Mackillop’s tomb, Lyn’s mother received a telephone call from a man that Lyn had dated eight years ago. Lyn and her former boyfriend went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, in France to pray there to discern God’s will for their lives.  They have since married. Another of the mother’s petitions to Blessed Mary MacKillop was also answered.  Her son decided to give up living with his girlfriend.  They started to attend Mass regularly and also began making preparations to marry.

Blessed Mary MacKillop “fixes” a microwave oven

I had arranged to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Blessed Mary MacKillop at North Sydney.  On the morning that I was due to go I discovered that my microwave oven had stopped working. When I went to the shrine I prayed for many important petitions.  I also mentioned to Blessed Mary, the little matter of my microwave oven. When I arrived home I tried my microwave oven again.  It was still not working.  After this I slammed the oven door very hard and the microwave started working!  It seems that the only thing that was wrong was that there was a fault in the closing mechanism of the door. The microwave oven was not fully closing. It only appeared to be fully closed.

These stories are in my book Help from heaven (Answers to prayer) which can be read free-online by pressing here.

Timely help (Our Lady of Mount Carmel)

Some years ago, there was a period when it rained almost continuously for ten weeks.  This made it difficult for people to get their washing dry. On one occasion because everything was still drying, I literally had no jumpers, left to put on my children. It was time for them to walk to school and all that I could do was say a prayer for some help in the matter. I prayed the prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel which is called the Flos Carmeli, (The Flower of Carmel). After saying the prayer, I opened the front door. There on the verandah was a cardboard box filled with clean ironed jumpers, slacks, jeans and blouses. I later learned that they had been put there by a lady who lived in the next street, who had received them from a cousin and had no need of them. This gift was the answer to my prayer.  Jumpers are known as sweaters in the USA.   (Mary Ann), Australia.
The feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is July 16.
This story is in my book: Help from heaven (Answers to prayers). The book can be read free on-line at the link provided. I would appreciate any feedback that you would like to make on the book.


The Rosary (Poem)

In the Rosary
There is great power.
Miracles on earth,
It can shower.

Miracles of healing
And every kind of grace,
The Rosary can bestow,
Upon the human race.

Take up the Rosary,
And say it well,
It’s a weapon against,
All the powers of hell.

More of my poems

The Heroic Act (in favour of the Holy Souls in Purgatory)

There is a way which you can help the Holy Souls in Purgatory after your own death. The following information will show you how to do this. The Heroic Act, consists in offering to God in favour of the Souls in Purgatory all the works of satisfaction we practice during life and all the suffrages that will be offered for us after death.  If God rewards so abundantly the most trifling alms given to a poor man in His name what an immense reward will he not give to those who offer all their works of satisfaction in life and death for the Souls He loves so dearly. This Act does not prevent priests from offering Mass for the intentions they wish, or lay-people from praying for any persons or other intentions they desire.  We counsel everyone to make this act. Will you be disadvantaged by doing this? The following story shows that this is highly unlikely. 

St. Gertrude was fiercely tempted by the devil when she came to die.  The evil spirit reserves dangerous and subtle temptations for our last moments.  As he could find no other ruse sufficiently clever with which to assail the saint, he thought to disturb her beautiful peace of soul by suggesting that she would surely remain long years in the awful fires of Purgatory since, he reminded her, she had made over long ago all her suffrages to other souls. Our Blessed Lord, not content with sending His angels and the thousands of souls, she had released, to assist her, came Himself in person to drive Satan away and comfort His dear saint.  He told her that in exchange for all she had done for the Holy Souls He would take her straight to heaven and would multiply a hundredfold all her merits.

More ways to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory   and also information on their powerful intercession for their benefactors.

An ecumenical boss

I once worked in an office in Sydney, where the staff were consisted mainly of Catholics and Jews.  The boss in my section was a member of the Anglican Church. He used to let the Catholics go to Mass in work hours at a nearby church on Holy Days of Obligation. The reason for this was that his little grandson was a Catholic and used to ask him why people were in different churches. This is hard to explain to a three year old. The boss had a great time telling this to the bank manager over the phone in these words, “I let Gilroy’s mob go to Mass”.  For those who are not familiar with this ‘Gilroy’s mob’ was the bosses’ way of describing the Catholics on his staff.  Cardinal Gilroy was the first Australian born cardinal.  At that time he was the Archbishop of Sydney.

Food for the needy (The power of the Hail Mary)






The following story should go far to show how acceptable to God the Hail Mary is. Jason is a volunteer worker for a charitable organisation which distributes food to the poor.  He purchased eighteen hams from the supermarket on the organisation’s credit card for distribution to the needy.  This would have been an expensive purchase.  For some unexplained reason the hams were not credited to the card. Jason brought this matter to the attention of the supermarket’s manageress. She shrugged her shoulders and said that nothing could be done about it and that the organisation did not have to worry about paying for the hams. Jason attributes this favour to his regular practice at the beginning of each undertaking of saying of one Hail Mary and simply asking Mary to help him with the charity work. Jason has received other striking helps in his work from this simple way of invoking Mary, including a large donation of the exact amount that he had assessed that the organisation was in need of to carry out its works and that he was about to apply to the head office of the organisation for.

 This is one of the stories in my book Help from Heaven (Answers to Prayer).

Press here   to read the book.

The Devotion of the Three Hail Marys











 My backyard Lourdes Shrine

A severe cough  (The devotion of the Three Hail Marys)

During a long bus trip, Clare developed a very severe cough that was loud and prolonged. The lady who was sitting behind her took out a holy card of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and silently continuously prayed a devotion that is known as The Three Hail Marys, to ask for a healing of the cough. Later on another passenger came up to the lady and touched her with a relic of Saint Philomena. The next morning Clare was completely free of the cough. 

The Three Hail Marys Devotion consists of saying three Hail Marys followed by the invocation “O Mary my mother keep me from mortal sin”. This devotion is in honour the power, wisdom and love with which the Blessed Trinity has infused into the heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Many favours have been granted throughout the centuries to those who practice this devotion. 

This story comes from the book: Help from heaven (Answers to prayer), which can be read free-online by pressing  here.

The Hail Mary Prayer

Hail Mary full of grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus
Holy Mary Mother of God
Pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

Visual and audio reminders to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Use visual reminders to help you pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. One of the most obvious of these is a cemetery. Make a resolution to pray for the Holy Souls whenever you are passing a cemetery. Print out the St. Gertrude prayer for the Holy Souls and put it on your fridge door. Always put: Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, on your to-do lists. When praying for the Holy Souls remember that there are many souls in Purgatory who have no one to pray for them. Among this group are Protestants. That is because Protestants don’t believe in Purgatory, so they don’t pray for the souls of their deceased relatives. Recommend to the intercession of the Holy Souls in Purgatory an end to the culture of death.  Also use audio reminders. The audio reminders that I am thinking of are radio advertisements for funerals. Some of them are very funny. They include dad’s flashy motor cycle taking pride of place outside the funeral director’s chapel and then there is the unique funeral for your loved one. In this add we are told about how the poor lady elephant on the African savanna is surrounded by her fellow elephants and we are given the details of how the elephant funeral went. Then there is the grand-daughter who finds it too hard to say something in front of all those people on grand-dad’s day i.e. the day of his funeral, so she asks her mother if she can make a DVD with her speech on grand-dad’s life to be screened at the funeral.
All this is good for a laugh. When you are finished laughing remember to say a prayer for relief of the Holy Souls in Purgatory who don’t care about flashy motor bikes, DVD’s and elephants. Their only desire is to enter into heaven and to see God.

More way to help the  Holy Souls in Purgatory  and their powerful intercession for their benefactors.

Saint Peter Chanel (Poem) feastday today April 28

On the isle of Futuna
Father Peter did toil,
To plant the Gospel
In hard rocky soil.

The converts were few
But the hardships were great.
The king’s son converted
Peter gained the king’s hate.

For all of his efforts
Father Peter was killed
It looked like his efforts
Would now be stilled.

But up in heaven
He continued to pray,
And the isle of Futuna
Is Catholic today.

Click here   to read more of my poems

Protection from danger at sea (The Holy Infant Jesus of Prague)

A friend told me the following story about her grandfather Joseph.  Joseph was on a ship off the coast of China prior to World War I.  A gale blew up and large waves lashed the ship. The ship was in danger of sinking.  Joseph was very devoted to the Holy Infant Jesus of Prague. He went to his cabin and took out his Infant Jesus of Prague statue and then stood on the deck and held it while praying. He received a vision of the Infant Jesus walking on the waves.  The gale stopped and the waves died down. The ship was no longer in danger of going down.

This story comes from my book: Answers to Prayer (Help from heaven), click here to read the book free on-line.

St Philomena and the doctor’s Bill

A lady told me this story which happened over eighty years ago in Ireland.  One of her relatives was very ill.  The family did not telephone the doctor to come to the house because they knew that if they did not have the money to pay him that he would refuse to come. They prayed to St. Philomena for help for the sick family member.  Later on in the day the doctor came to the house to see the sick girl.  They were stunned and asked him who had asked him to come.  He said that a tall girl with long black hair had come into his office and had paid the fee and asked him to come down to their home to visit the sick girl. The family had not talked about the matter to anyone except to St. Philomena in prayer. 

 Novena to St Philomena the Wonder Worker for the healing of autism 

Please visit the autism novena webpage for the details of how to enrol a person who has autism in the novena.

The Mission Bell (poem)

The Mission Bell,

What does it tell?

To come to church and pray,

To worship Jesus,

At the start,

Of each new dawning day.

To thank Him,

Serve Him,

Praise Him,

Love Him,

To abandon every sin.

And also to let go of life’s,

Distracting noisy din.

Our humble messenger,

The Mission Bell,

Takes care of us,

And serves us well !    

The 54 Day Rosary Novena


 The 54 day rosary novena is a simple devotion which was revealed by Our Lady to a girl in Italy in the 19th Century. It is done in the following way: You say the Rosary for 54 consecutive days in a row. The first 27 days are for the petition and the next 27 days are for thanksgiving. Regardless of anything that has happened, you still go ahead and thank Our Lady for the outcome.                            

I and many other people have experienced terrific answers to prayers that seemed to have been bordering on the impossible. One of these petitions was very big and I had prayed my heart out for it for about two years and this seemingly impossible request was granted in the most wonderful way after I did a 54 day Rosary Novena as a final resort to get it granted and the answer was far more abundant than I had even requested or imagined when I made my petition. I can highly recommend this devotion to you.  Its power has been demonstrated to me in wonderful ways and I certainly am not alone in enjoying its fruits.  Many people throughout the world had done so too. Making this novena is a good way to keep up your motivation for saying the rosary on a daily basis.  

Read my book: Help from Heaven (Answers to prayer) including those from the 54 day Rosary novena by pressing here.


More ideas for helping the Holy Souls in Purgatory

There are people who work as organisational experts, who advise people how to organise their life with housework and errands etc. so that we get things done quicker and more efficiently, and use up those “dead moments”. One of their good ideas is that we take our writing pad and pen, and catch up with writing notes to family and friends, while we are waiting in the doctor’s reception room or waiting for the train, or take with us a book that we otherwise don’t have time to read, or our knitting, crocheting kit etc. They advise us to use the “dead time”, those boring moments when we are stuck waiting for someone and we can’t do the laundry, or sweep the floor or catch up with something else. Their ideas are good, but I think that to pray the St Gertrude prayer for the Holy Souls (silently), while we are waiting for the doctor, or walking along the street, hanging out the washing, (which is not strictly a do nothing moment, but is the kind of activity that you can do while praying at the same time), would be really beneficial to them and to our own souls. It would beat writing your thank you letters or making your to-do lists, during the waiting times. A printed out copy of the prayer would help you to focus better, but watch out for the cars if you are crossing the road! An extra tip:  As well as helping the Holy Souls in Purgatory yourself, ask the saints to pray for them also. 

Below is a small homegrown prayer, which I would like to share with you, and which I hope that you will make your own. 

Merciful Jesus, Please grant that I and my family and a vast number of people throughout the world, will have an ardent charity for the Poor Souls in Purgatory and will encourage others to pray for them also.  Amen.  

For more way to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory Press here. There are many stories of their powerful intercession for their benefactors on the web page as well.  Below is the prayer of St. Gertrude the Great . (Many souls are released from Purgatory each time it is said).

Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son,  Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family.  Amen.

The St Gertrude prayer for the relief of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Our Lord dictated the following prayer to St Gertrude the Great to release many souls from Purgatory each time that it is said.


Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son,  Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family.  Amen.


The above prayer was given approval in 1936 by the Bishop of Liera, Portugal. This prayer is widely publicised with the claim that 1000 souls are released each time that it is said. However  “1000 souls” was replaced from the original word “many” and the words: “those in my own home and within my family” were added after 1936.


Reflections on the prayer of St. Gertrude the Great

which is displayed in this posting


Many souls who are in Purgatory need only one prayer for their release, and unfortunately they are detained until this prayer has been offered for them. The fact that the “St. Gertrude” prayer releases many souls each time it is said indicates how great is the Mercy of God.  It also shows that God is making allowances for weak human nature that tends to run away from anything that looks like penance. The fact that many souls can be released by the “St Gertrude” prayer is a large incentive to the living to say this easy prayer as often as possible; thereby increasing their merit, reducing their own Purgatory, and obtaining the assistance of the Holy Souls in their needs.


Learn more ways to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory and about their powerful intercession for their benefactors by pressing here.


If you have received any favours through the intercession of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, please email me with the details and I might be able to publish them on this blog.  My contact information is on the right hand column. Please put in the subject line of the email the following words:  Holy Souls Favours


St Therese and the fishing expedition

There was a fishing village which was in danger of starvation becausethe fishermen had been very unsuccessful in catching fish that year. Then one of the boats in the fishing fleet was put under the protection of Sister Therese as she was then known. (This was well before her canonisation).  The boat which was put under her protection was amazingly successful in its catch on the first fishing night that Sister Therese was asked for her help.  The other boats in the fishing fleet did not invoke her protection. They caught nothing at all.

Read more about St Therese here.

The promise of St Therese of the Child Jesus (The Little Flower).

“I will let fall from heaven….a shower of roses”

These ‘roses’ are favours and miracles.

The Rosary of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ also known as the Chaplet of Mercy

Here is a way to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Great benefits are conferred by the Sacred Wounds on the Holy Souls.


Promise of Our Lord to Sister Mary Martha Chambon:

‘The soul who during life has honoured and studied the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ and has offered them to the Eternal Father for the souls in Purgatory, will be accompanied at the moment of death by the Holy Virgin and the angels: and Our Lord on the Cross all brilliant in glory will receive her and crown her.”


Offer the following prayers for the relief of the Holy Souls in Purgatory


The Rosary of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ also known as the Chaplet of Mercy


(May be said on the Rosary beads)


On the large beads: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds of our souls.


On the small beads: My Jesus, pardon and mercy through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds.


These two invocations were taught by Our Lord to Sister Mary Martha Chambon, deceased, in the Visitation of Chambery, France, March 21, 1907. The sister received from Our Lord a double “mission”, constantly to invoke the Holy Wounds herself, and to revive this devotion in the world.


Promise of Our Lord to Sister Mary Martha: “I will grant all that is asked of Me by the invocation of  My Holy Wounds. You must spread the devotion.”


(Sources consulted: Devotion to Christ’s Sacred Wounds and the Pieta Prayer book).

Car that was “dead” is now running well (A favour of The Holy Souls in Purgatory)

Car that was “dead” is now running well  (The Holy Souls in Purgatory)
Right now I am feeling total awe, immense gratitude and the overwhelming feeling of just WOW. I say the Saint Gertrude prayer for The Holy Souls in Purgatory many times a day, since I found it on your web site. Yesterday when I was ready to go to Mass, I tried to start my car and there was nothing. It just would not turn over. I tried it several times during the day and my son tried it before he went to bed, but it still would not start. Before going to Mass this morning, I went to your web page, (as I do every morning before Mass) to say the prayer. I decided to read some of the things on the web page, which I did the first time that I found your web site, but have not done since then. I read about you not being able to open the lock on your door and about your husband helping. I thought that “I should pray to The Holy Souls in Purgatory about my car”, so before I went out, (I was intending to walk to Mass), I asked them to please pray that my car would start. I put the key in the ignition and said “please Holy Souls, pray that it starts,”  I turned the key and my car started! I was what you could call struck dumb. I could not believe it, they actually heard me and answered my prayer, so I offered up my Mass and my Eucharist for them. I pray that more and more people pray to and for The Holy Souls in Purgatory. They need our prayers, and they DO listen to us and pray for us. Just ask my car.  B.M. (USA)
This is the web link that is referred to in the story about the car:
This story comes from my book Help from heaven (Answers to prayer), which can be read free on-line at:
I welcome your feedback on the book.

Speedy help with finding a lost item

Today my autistic daughter took the smart card out of the box above the TV. This means that no TV could be viewed. (It is cable pay TV). She could not tell us where she put it. We have a big house and looked around for the card. I said a prayer to St Anthony and then prayed the St. Gertrude prayer for the Holy Souls several times. It was found quickly.  My daughter had put it under the TV box.  My husband lifted this up and found it.  This is the last place that the rest of us would have ever thought of looking for it.

A weight loss crisis (the intercession of the Holy Souls in Purgatory for their benefactors)

My son John has been in a group home since the age of 18.  He is very autistic, however he is verbal.  There were times when he became violent.  Now he is on various medications, but occasionally he still flares up. We visit him each week.

Over a year ago John started losing weight.  Something was very wrong.  John is a very tall boy.  The home said that he was eating lots of food, and knowing John that would be true, he has a big appetite, but the weight loss continued and he ended up looking like a thin cancer patient.

I was literally out of my mind praying for help, because no one knew why this was happening.  I prayed to all the saints etc, but especially to the Holy Souls in Purgatory because I really feared that John would die, because he just kept dropping weight.  Did he have cancer or worms or something else?  Doctors could not find anything wrong with John to explain the weight loss. It was a nightmare.

The carers at the home eventually found the answer.  After John’s meals he went to the toilet and put his finger down his throat and for the fun of it, he vomited up all the food.  John was cunning enough to flush the toilet while he was doing this, so that the carers would not know what was happening.  When this was discovered, the carers “kept John prisoner” after each meal for a few hours to let him digest the food.

They continued this for many months and John grew out of the “need” to vomit up the food. I can assure you I was really scared and even felt ill on account of John’s weight loss crisis. It was terrifying. John regained the weight that he had lost.  Please pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and ask them for their intercession in all your needs, spiritual and temporal.  (Mary Ann),  Australia.

The powerful intercession of the Holy Souls in Purgatory for their benefactors and ways to help them
The web page has accounts of the intercession of The Holy Souls in Purgatory, for their benefactors in cases of illness, addictions, cars that won’t start, infertility problems, serious weight loss problems, protection in accidents, conversion, chronic insomnia, their help for people who are experiencing major trouble with city councils, success with projects, employment, real estate, television sets that don’t work properly, finding lost property and trouble with relations, etc. and prayers and ideas on how to help The Holy Souls in Purgatory.