Laundry Management

Put a load of washing through the washing machine before going to bed at night. There will be no delay in hanging out the washing at the first opportunity in the morning. This sounds simple but how many people actually thought of it and do it.   Press here    for more housekeeping hints.

Kitchen waste management

Get a large glass jar with a metal lid.  (This could be a jar which previously stored a sauce which you brought from the shop.)  Pour the liquid fat into it after have cooked a meat meal in the oven. Put the lid back on. The fat will solidify in the jar. (Store the jar under the kitchen sink). Keep filling the jar with liquid fat until it is full and then dispose of the jar in the garbage bin. Do not throw this liquid fat down the kitchen sink because it solidifies in the pipeline and clogs it up and it is also really bad news for the environment. (The water supply will become more polluted).


Read more housekeeping hints by pressing here.


Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

(for using up leftover uncooked vegetables)

1 Kg. mince meat

Two 450g cans of tomatoes

1 or 2 cans of thick tomato soup

2 large onions (chopped)

Leftover uncooked vegetables (found at the back of the fridge). Only use vegetables which are mould free.

Any vegetables which children don’t like e.g. spinach. Put the last two items through a food processor. Put it all in a heavy (large) saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for about 1 hour.

Optional: Put in half a cup of red wine if desired for more flavour. Serve over spaghetti or noodles. (Potatoes are not a suitable vegetable for use in this recipe).